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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
We are born of stars
We are born of stars
We are born of stars
We are born of stars
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
We are seeds of time
We are seeds of time
We are seeds of time
We are seeds of time
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Create a brighter future
Create a brighter future
Create a brighter future
Create a brighter future
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Planet Earth.
Has made a conscious decision
To become whole
To become one.
Entombed is she, cacooned in
Concrete, metal, plastic
Effluence, pollution and nuclear waste.
Yet she shall break free
Free from these chains
Free from this prison
All her forms: people, plants and creatures
Are undergoing a
Biological, interplanetary and evolutionary
We are born of stars
We are born of stars
We are born of stars
We are born of stars
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
We are seeds of time
We are seeds of time
We are seeds of time
We are seeds of… time!
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Create a brighter future
Create a brighter future
Create a brighter future
Create a brighter future
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Om nam maya maitraya
Words and music by Simon Miller/Pete Phoenix/Chrissie Ortner.
Copyright © 1996 Pok Songs/Explicit Music.
Music and lyrics by Simon Miller/Pete Phoenix/Chrissie Ortner.
Copyright ℗ 1996 Pok Songs/Explicit Music.
These arrangements by S. Miller/G. Davies/J. Peters/Iggy.
Cover illustrations by Pok the Bard.
Graphic design by Sam James.
Pok the Bard – guitar and voice
Jim Iz – keys and voice
Iggy – drums and percussion
George – bass and technicals
Winter Version
Recorded live at Depot X, Exeter, 17th December 2008.
Cassette salvage and remastering at Wud Records Studio One, 2020.
Original release date: 15th January 2009
Re-release date: 27th July 2020
Copyright © 2020 Wud Records.
Spring Version
Recorded live at Sound Gallery, Exeter, 23rd February 2009.
Cassette salvage and remastering at Wud Records Studio One, 2020.
Original release date: 10th April 2009
Re-release date: 14th September 2020
Copyright © 2020 Wud Records.
More Concerning the Winter Version of Born of Stars
The audio file for this song was plagued with hundreds, maybe thousands, of corrupted waves. These ranged in sound from a very big click at the small end of the scale, to something akin to trousers being ripped when bending over in a Carry On movie at the large end of the scale.
The audio file is now massively better than it was. A few blemishes and some sounds not unlike that of a scratchy old vinyl record still exist in places.
Repairing the damaged audio file for this song was an incredibly time-consuming and tedious task. It required massive amounts of the wave forms to be redrawn by hand in tiny, tiny detail.
The first time we attempted to repair it, the work was almost finished when the main hard drive on the mastering machine lost the will to live and mangled itself beyond all recognition. We had to buy a new one and completely reinstall the entire system.
All the repair work we had already done to Born of Stars was therefore utterly destroyed. It had to be done again from the start. Fortunately, as we are reasonably diligent with regard to backing up our work, not even one other file was lost.
This is why the Winter version of Born of Stars appeared two years after the rest of the album was released!
More Concerning the Spring Version of Born of Stars
This was recorded right at the end of a session. At the start of the song you hear George saying that there’s about 16 minutes left (until they have to start to pack up and leave). “Let’s make it a good one,” he says.
The whole session should have been filmed by a friend of Pok’s who was allegedly something of a whizz where it came to video matters.
Unfortunately, he turned out to be rather unreliable. He suddenly entered the room through the door, camera to eye and rolling, halfway through this version of Born of Stars, which was actually the very last song Alchemeon played that day. At 1:25 Pok shouts “Hey!” to greet the man’s arrival. Fashionably late would be understating it somewhat.
Not only was he very late, he also filmed a lot of things that were not very interesting, such as George’s bare foot for about a minute in close-up, some cymbal stands and the carpet.
As the band were packing, he sat on the floor leaning against a wall with hands in pockets, surreptitiously stroking his raging boner. It was all just a bit too weird.
Later that evening, Pok saw the footage. He was so appalled at how awful it was he simply deleted it all. Blam.
Pok plays Marsha on this track. She is a 1985 Ibanez Roadstar II in pale gold with a floating trem. At 8:11, just after a shout of “Rebirth!”, he breaks a string and the instrument immediately goes completely out of tune. Unfazed, Pok finishes the rendition, expertly using the whammy bar to control the guitar. You can hear him grinning as he goes into the following vocal.
Fun Facts:
* Born of Stars is a highly rifftastic space rock song in the key of E.
* Several sections are deliberately left quite loose to allow for improvisation.
* The lyrics also tend to vary from one version to another.
* We have transcribed the correct lyrics for both the Winter and Spring versions on their separate pages, which differ from each other slightly in places.
* Born of Stars was performed by the Spacegoats, including in their brief “Electric Elves” manifestation.