Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.


Into the setting sun they sailed
As brave as brave can be
And across the world they went
In boats upon the sea
And with distant eyes they looked
But they never did see me
On this we all agree
On this we all agree

With a night light flashing by the sea
Sailors went there by twos and by threes
I am a captain and I can’t drown
Living neatly on white wave sound
On this we all agree

With a bright light arcing across the dark
Sailors went there steering by the stars
I’ll be a bad man but I won’t steal
No more than I can take away with me
On this we all agree

In the sunset water turning to sky
Sailors went there leaving by and by
I am a black knight but I am so good
Put all the pieces back wherever I should
On this we all agree

On the reef rock shellfish gather and die
Sailors went there telescopes to eyes
I am a wizard but I’m misunderstood
I’d like to be a pilot, oh really I would
On this we all agree

On the ocean sleeping in the wind
Sailors went there to forget their sins
I am a soul man and I can keep
The sounds of Heaven where the waters meet
On this we all agree

Words by Peter Greatorex. Copyright (c) Pig Pen Music 1989.

Lyrics by Peter Greatorex.
Music by P.Greatorex/G.Davies/R.Holloway/M.Greatorex/G.Barbe.
Recorded at Red Rug studios, Torquay, by Jake Klosin, Spring 1990.


Peter Greatorex – vocals
George Davies – guitar
Richard Holloway – keys
Marc Greatorex – bass
Graham Barbe – drums


  • This song is in the key of Em and the tempo in 128BPM.
  • It was a real collective favourite of Alien Heat.
  • The guitar parts are played on the Ice Maiden.
  • The intro is mostly Em9 and Bm11.
  • The verses are Em and Bm, and at the end they go to G, F#m11 and Bm11.
  • The keyboard solo is based around a G, F#m, Bm riff.
  • Before the keyboard solo and at the end of the song there is a section that goes G, F#, F, Em7, Cm7, Em7, Cm7.
  • The song usually began with the cry: “Cue The Noise!” as Richard started the number with a huge sound that he created himself on the DX7.
  • There were many great moments of inspiration from all five band members that led to this song being the way it is.
  • Even after two decades, the Explicit Music team believe these lyrics are still some of Pete’s finest.