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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
M-m-m the penguin took that
Yeah Chilli Willi took that
Took a snowcone fools hat
You know he was a cool cat
It was all kinda scary
It made me sorta wary
But it was just a query
From someone who was weary
And the penguin took that
Yeah Chilli Willi took that
Took a snow cone fools hat
You know he was a cool cat
Stood around in the snow
He was quick but acting slow
But he knew which way to go
It was good that this was so
Oh-h the penguin took that
Yeah Chilli Willi took that
Took a snow cone fools hat
You know he was a cool cat
With the crystals in his brain
Letting go his anchor chain
Then he went off like a train
Left his shadow like a stain
M-m-m the penguin took that
Yeah Chilli Willi took that
Took a snow cone fools hat
You know he was a cool cat
Words by Peter Greatorex. Copyright (c) The Dark Brothers 2008.