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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
Did you sit outside my window now did you
Did you draw crazy patterns in the sand
Did you come down from the clouds
Make snakes upon the ground
And did you turn all the monkeys into man
Now did you
Was it you who fooled with apes now was it
Was it you who put the writing on the wall
Was it you who was in Eden
Made apples good for eating
And was it you who caused the final fall
Now was it
Is it you who filled the sky with lights now is it
Is it you who made all our pyramids
Is it you who wrote the scrolls
Gave us our eternal souls
Is it you they got in 51 hidden
Is it
Words by Peter Greatorex. Copyright ℗ Explicit Music 1999.
Lyrics by P. Greatorex.
Music by G. Davies/P. Greatorex.
Copyright © 2015 Wud Records.
Copyright ℗ 1999 Explicit Music.
Recorded and engineered at Wud Records Studio One.
Vocals – PJ Speed
Guitars – Zak Black
Bass – Maxx Damage
Drums – Sven Stiglund