Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.


Heaven’s a cartoon from the Looney Tunes church
Just look at all the Hollywood hype
Nobody dies from being on a cross
In the very next scene they’re alright

Cecil B. DeMille designed Paradise
He got all the extras he need
Cast of thousands and supporting roles
And JC playing the lead

They sell you salvation like a washing powder soap
And everybody’s oh so white
Warner Brothers bought out the business
And the animation’s really outta sight

There at the Gates it’s quiz show time
St Peter’s the host with the most
If you don’t answer the questions right
You get zapped by the Holy Ghost

Heaven’s a cartoon from the Looney Tunes church
Just look at all the Hollywood hype
Nobody dies from being on a cross
In the very next scene they’re alright

Cecil B. DeMille designed Paradise
He got all the extras he need
Cast of thousands and supporting roles
And JC playing the lead

They sell you salvation like a washing powder soap
And everybody’s oh so white
Warner Brothers bought out the business
And the animation’s really outta sight

There at the Gates it’s quiz show time
St Peter’s the host with the most
If you don’t answer the questions right
You get zapped by the Holy Ghost

Heaven’s a cartoon from the Looney Tunes church
Just look at all the Hollywood hype
Nobody dies from being on a cross
In the very next scene they’re alright

Words by Peter Greatorex. Copyright ℗ After the Flood Productions 1998.

Lyrics by P. Greatorex.
Music by G. Davies/P. Greatorex.

Copyright © 2015 Wud Records.
Copyright ℗ 1998 After the Flood Productions.

Recorded and engineered at Wud Records Studio One.


Vocals – PJ Speed
Guitars – Zak Black
Bass – Maxx Damage
Drums – Sven Stiglund

Fun Facts:

  • The demo version of this had a much more varied vocal line.
  • Unfortunately Pete was unwilling to try to replicate it.
  • This is another song with three completely separate guitar parts that are beautifully complemented by the bass.
  • It is in the key of Em and the words were composed in March 1998, according to the original hand-written lyric.
  • TNT has one of the most classically definitive endings of any song in rock.