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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Keep me away from the jagged rocks
I can’t shipwreck
Gotta culture shock
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
I keep a version of the Bible you see
But as to who is right
I must disagree
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Call me on the long distance phone
The message will read
Nobody’s at home
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Deeper and deeper into fantasy
What shall I do
How can I be me
Words by Peter Greatorex. Copyright (c) Dangerous Ditties 1999.