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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
Somebody’s leaning on my “Mine’n’Me” monitor
Breaking off the flow from the floor
I’ve got such a laid back character
With much less it gives me more
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Tarbaby’s smiling at my old thermometer
Cutting up on my peace pipe smoke
I got such a rare disease
I just can’t quite see the joke
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Sitting down there on my checkerboard chair
Wasting away the hot house hours
I can see the back of the scenery
Wrapped around with them Nightshade flowers
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Corporation cleaning on my sleepy nite streets
Sweeping up the dust of the day
I got such a carefree stare
You won’t think I care what you say
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Living inside a golden eye
Living inside an eye-yi-yi
Words by Peter Greatorex. Copyright (c) D & G Music 1992.
Lyrics by Peter Greatorex.
Music by P.Greatorex/G.Davies/J.Willmot.
Recorded at Silent Running Studios, Exeter, by George Davies, 1992.
Peter Greatorex – vocals
George Davies – guitars, sequencing
Jeff Willmot – sequencing