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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
It’s the last train to Heaven
And this is Midnite calling
Sleep slipped out the window
To where the stars are falling
And the Sandman points a finger
And the shadows begin their crawling
This is the last train to Heaven
And this is Midnite calling
How many miles to Babalon?
Three score mile and ten…
Will I get there by candlelight?
Yes, and back again…
And the Joker shuts his eyes
And the dream begins to end
This is the last train to Heaven
And it won’t call again
Well, it’s the last train to Heaven
And this is Midnite calling
Moonlight minds the night time
Rides while day is walking
Lights the way to Paradise
And dawn lets in the morning
It’s the last train to Heaven
And this is Midnite calling
How many miles to Babalon?
Three score mile and ten…
Will I get there by candlelight?
Yes, and back again…
And the Joker shuts his eyes
And the dream begins to end
This is the last train to Heaven
And it won’t call again
Words by Peter Greatorex. Copyright (c) D & G Music 1992.
Lyrics by Peter Greatorex.
Music by P.Greatorex/G.Davies/J.Willmot.
Recorded at Silent Running Studios, Exeter, by George Davies, 1992.
Peter Greatorex – vocals, harmonica
George Davies – guitars, sequencing
Jeff Willmot – sequencing