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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
Read it young and so it spun
A web of madness on my screen
Expressions led me to a place
It’s not the world I’d intended to be in
Sometimes I feel like everyone knows
People believe in your lies
People believe in all our our lies
And who we are the Fates did ask
Can’t believe the sentence passed
Sometimes I feel like everyone knows
Sometimes I feel like everyone knows
People believe in your lies
People believe in all our lies
Read it young and so it spun
A web of madness on my screen
Expressions led me to a place
It’s not the world I’d intended to be in
Sometimes I feel like everyone knows
People believe in all our our lies
People believe in my lies
Sometimes… I feel like everyone knows
Sometimes… I feel like everyone knows
Sometimes… I feel like everyone knows
Sometimes… I feel like everyone knows
Words by T. Bickers / A. Richardson.
The intellectual property of this song is copyright ℗ 1992 Rough Trade Recordings Ltd.
Music and lyrics by T. Bickers / A. Richardson.
This arrangement by The Bastard Sons of Dennis.
Recorded, engineered, mixed and mastered at Wud Records Studio One 2011.
Copyright © Wud Records 2011.
Copyright ℗ Rough Trade Recordings Ltd. 1992.
Graphic design by Blueprint Studios.
Q. Wim Lijkkes – vocals, acoustic guitar
Yuri Nation – acoustic guitar, vocals
Fun Facts:
* Sometimes was one of the earliest Bastard Sons of Dennis songs.
* It first came to light in their sand dune sessions on Exmouth beach in the summer of 1994.
* Sometimes was first performed live by the duo at The Cavern in Exeter that same summer.
* In their one-off spontaneous 1998 session, the Bastard Sons of Dennis played Sometimes again, with Scott on balalaika and Yuri on bass.
* The song originally appeared on the 1992 Levitation album Need For Not, released by Rough Trade.
* Sometimes is called Resist on Levitation’s Need For Not album.
* Terry Bickers of the band Levitation and Q. Wim were at university together and collaborated on a number of musical delights, including this, in a band called Plastic Snatch.
* Plastic Snatch famously used the audio from the “Look after your plastic!” public information campaign, which was very well known at the time, to begin their shows.
* Yuri was completely unaware of the band Levitation.
* He created his own lead guitar parts independently, having never heard the original recording, until this track was about to be released.
* Mr Lijkkes always tells a short ad lib tale at the start of this song that is different every time.
* Usually it is a rather dark-humoured and grizzly tale about Spiderlings.
* This track was recorded before Yuri’s battered old guitar was repaired.
* The slight distortion you hear on his guitar is actually the way the instrument sounded, with an assortment of rattles at the nut end, rather than a recording level that was too hot.